Fisher, Victoria G.2017-10-102017-10-102015-12-04 paper explores the topic of teaching Spanish Heritage Language Learners in the spanish classroom with both Heritage Language Learners and Second Language Learners. The contents, including a literature review, applications for teachers, and directions for further study, are directed toward the question: How would a teacher meet the unique needs of Spanish Heritage Language Learners in a course that teaches Spanish as a foreign language?application/pdfCopyright is held by the author who has granted the Oklahoma State University Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its institutional repository. Contact Digital Library Services at or 405-744-9161 for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.Teaching Spanish Heritage Language Learners in the P-12 mixed classroomHonors Thesisheritage language learnersmixed classroomspanishsecond language learners