Sauls, GarrettCoalition for Advancing Digital Research and Education (2020)2020-06-032020-06-032020-04-17Sauls, G. (2020, April 17). How data shapes our response to crises [PowerPoint slides]. Presented at the fourth annual Coalition for Advancing Digital Research and Education (CADRE) Conference, Stillwater, OK. data is everywhere, it is often undervalued and underutilized - that is until disaster strikes. Natural disasters, economic downturns and, most recently, global pandemics have a way of bringing data to the front of people's minds. So, how does data (or lack of it) shape our response to these events? With clients in nearly every industry, data consulting firm InterWorks plays a unique role in helping others address these challenges. In this session, InterWorks Communications Manager Garrett Sauls will draw from the collective experience of the global InterWorks team to paint a broad picture of how different organizations are using data to respond to the current Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. He'll also share some useful resources to help you dive into the data on your own.application/pdfIn the Oklahoma State University Library's institutional repository this paper is made available through the open access principles and the terms of agreement/consent between the author(s) and the publisher. The permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of the article falls under fair use for educational, scholarship, and research purposes. Contact Digital Resources and Discovery Services at or 405-744-9161 for further information.How data shapes our response to crisesConference proceedingsdataanalyticscoronaviruscovid-19consulting