Beilfuss, Michael J.Bettes, StaciPeterson, Katrina2019-11-152019-11-152019-01Beilfuss, M., Bettes, S., & Peterson, K. (2019). Technical and professional writing genres: A study in theory and practice. Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University. from strong open-source foundations, this modern guide to technical and professional writing explores workplace composition through both practical and theoretical lenses. Multidisciplinary backgrounds and decades of professional work experience-both in and outside of academia-have given the authors and editors of this text keen insight into the writing demands of professional, business environments. With an emphasis on understanding the basics of each writing genre-as well as the supplemental sections that may, for example, enhance a resume or a strengthen a proposal-this text aims to provide clear, informed, considerate, and contemporary explanations for those wanting to optimally construct and efficiently compose resumes, cover letters, memorandums, instructional guides, proposals, and analytical and oral reports.application/pdfIn the Oklahoma State University Library's institutional repository this material is made available through the open access principles and the terms of agreement/consent between the author(s) and the publisher. The permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of the material falls under fair use for educational, scholarship, and research purposes. Contact Digital Resources and Discovery Services at or 405-744-9161 for further information.Technical and professional writing genres: A study in theory and practice10.22488/okstate.19.000001Bookusage and grammar guidesTechnical and Professional Writing Genres [Beta] by Michael Beilfuss, Staci Bettes, and Katrina Peterson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.