King, AudreySewell, Jaelyn2025-01-132025-01-132024-07 60 million people, or one in five Americans call rural America home (Ratcliffe et al., 2016). Youth should be perceived as “the main pillar of any society” (Kushawa et al., 2022, p. 978). Therefore, investing in them, their leadership, and perspectives might improve vitality for rural communities’ long term. To better understand youth’s perceptions of their rural community, 15 secondary agricultural education students living in a rural, farm-dependent community were recruited to participate in a photovoice study. This study assessed the strengths, weaknesses, challenges, opportunities, and uniqueness of their communities. Data was collected through photographs, captions, a focus group with youth participants, and a one-on-one interview with the agricultural educator who helped facilitate the study. Transcripts were analyzed using Glaser’s constant comparative method (1965). The focus group data were analyzed using a combination of the Critical Consciousness Theory and the Community Capitals Framework (Emery & Flora, 2020). Findings revealed students were largely positive regarding their perceptions of their hometown. They described their hometown as a farming, agriculturally based community and appreciated the availability of educational opportunities. Weaknesses included issues with infrastructure like poor road conditions, dilapidated downtown builds, and abandoned homes. Although weaknesses were identified by students, they often saw opportunities in those weaknesses for improving their community. Students felt empowered to make changes in their community after participating in the photovoice study.application/pdfCopyright is held by the author who has granted the Oklahoma State University Library the non-exclusive right to share this material in its institutional repository. Contact Digital Library Services at or 405-744-9161 for the permission policy on the use, reproduction or distribution of this material.Framing rural realities: Exploring youth perspectives of rural communities through photovoiceThesisphotovoiceruralrural Oklahomaschool-based agriculture educationyouthyouth photovoice