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Does semantic depth and learning modalities improve word-learning in 3-4-year-old children?

Olender, Chelsea Ann

This project investigates word learning in preschool-aged children. Prior research indicates the benefit of semantic cues, perceptual, and production learning when used individually to teach new words. Perceptual and production learning are types of “learning modalities”. Production learning provides auditory feedback and the action of repeating speech sounds. Perceptual learning only provides auditory feedback. Semantic cues are also beneficial to word learning. In this study, these factors will be examined together to determine how they affect language development.

Thirty-two participants between three and four years old will complete this study. They will meet the criteria for typical development based on standardized screenings. For this study, participants will engage in a game to meet and learn facts about four different alien families. The focus is for them to learn their names. Non-word forms were created and served as the alien names. Each alien is associated with a figure to provide a visual cue. The non-word forms are composed of a base and suffix. The base corresponds with the “alien family”, meaning their skin color and type of clothing. The suffix corresponds with the “alien type”: their age, weight, and head size. The alien type is also demonstrated with semantic cues such as, “This one has grandkids” or “This one is very smart”. To assess learning modalities, participants repeat non-word forms during a production task. They also will complete a perceptual task where they will only be provided with the auditory stimulus. These learning modalities are crossed with the presence or absence of semantic cues. After each familiarization task, the participant is assessed by having to produce the name of the alien, and by pointing to the correct alien when hearing the auditory stimuli. Two separate pointing tasks are done to analyze their ability to learn the base and suffix separately. During the second session, a post-test will examine the ability to retain words over time.

This project will show four participants and articulate how these factors interact to improve word learning in children.
