Open Research Oklahoma

Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Nutritional concerns for exercising horses
    (Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, 2025-02) Hiney, Kris
  • Publication
    Intersectional complexity in stereotype content
    (University of Chicago Press, 2023-11) Heiserman, Nicholas
    Research on stereotypes often focuses on discrete, isolated social categories (e.g., gender or race), and rarely centers the fact that people be-long to many social categories at once (e.g., gender and race). In a large factorial experiment (N = 1,762) I measure two dimensions of stereo-types—warmth and competence—across 360 intersections of gender, sexuality, age, race/ethnicity, and social class. Warmth stereotypes were complex in the sense that only about a third of intersectional variation came from main effects of the five social categories. Competence stereotypes were less complex, with most variation stemming from main effects. Stereotypes varied across intersections with other categories, even sometimes reversing typically negative stereotypes. Finally, analyses also showed support for double standard theories: equal competence yielded less expected status for the more marginalized. Such findings show how intersectional perspectives can shed new light on how stereotypes affect how people are seen and uncover commonalities as well as differences between intersectional identities.
  • Publication
    Sustaining New Mexico’s ponderosa pine ecosystems: A collaborative approach across the reforestation pipeline
    (2024-11-29) Dixit, Aalap; Sloan, Joshua
    Climate change is exacerbating stressors on New Mexico's ponderosa pine forests, necessitating effective reforestation strategies. The Target Plant Concept, emphasizing meticulous planning and collaboration, is crucial for successful reforestation, addressing site-specific limitations and optimizing seedling survival. The newly established New Mexico Reforestation Center (NMRC) integrates seed collection, nursery production, and planting operations to meet this challenge, requiring substantial seed collection and seedling production. To achieve this, the NMRC employs an "all-hands-on-deck" approach, fostering partnerships to enhance reforestation capacity, improve seedling quality, and refine planting practices, ultimately aiming to restore millions of acres of burned forests across New Mexico.
  • Publication
    2024 Grain sorghum performance trials
    (Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, 2025-02) Lofton, Josh; Rice, Josie; Harris, Chase
  • Publication
    Modified Krzywicki’s equations to quantify myoglobin forms on meat surfaces
    (Iowa State University, 2025-03-11)
    Krzywicki’s equations to determine myoglobin forms on meat surfaces allow quantification without creating myoglobin form standards. However, Krzywicki’s equations can result in unrealistic estimations of the percentage numbers of the myoglobin forms. In this study, we revisited Krzywicki’s individual equations of [Oxy]%, [Deoxy]%, and [Met]% based on tissue optics and reexamined the practice of deriving [Oxy]% indirectly using [Deoxy]%, and [Met]%. In addition, the use of baseline correction at 730 nm in myoglobin quantification equations was also evaluated. The modified Krzywicki’s equations were tested on 44 loins (longissimus lumborum, n = 22; psoas major, n = 14; semitendinosus muscles, n=8). Testing on colorimeter measurements indicated that Krzywicki’s equation for directly estimating [Oxy]% could be sensitive to the baseline reference projected for 730 nm. A new algorithm converting the spectral reflec- tance to spectral absorption outperformed that which converts the spectral reflectance to reflex attenuance, in implementing Krzywicki’s equations. The modified Krzywicki’s equations performed better, with or without including 730 nm, in spe- cifically resolving a more realistic increase of the [Met]% during the retail display. For example, the new algorithm applied to psoas major muscles revealed a pronounced rapid increase of the [Met]% as the chroma reduced to ∼30, compared to a steady increase of the [Met]% in longissimus lumborum muscles at similar numbers of chroma. The results suggest that modified Krzywicki’s equations provide a more realistic estimation of the percentage numbers of myoglobin forms on steak surfaces than the original equations.

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