Metabolic response of fire engine crew members during simulated fire task scenarios
Perez, Rosie Ibis
Firefighters have a demanding and arduous job, where each task may put many lives at risk. To reduce this risk the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has a minimum standard of 12 METs or VO₂ of 42 ml/kg/min⁻¹ during a graded exercise test. The use of fire simulated scenarios is a way to replicate the tasks that firefighters face during their job and the associated metabolic demands in less harmful conditions. The purpose of the study was to determine the metabolic demands of fire engine crew members during fire simulated tasks. The following are major findings of the thesis. The average peak METs during Evolution A1 (pair) and Evolution A2 (crew) was 11.6 ± 2.9 and 10.9 ± 3.7. There was no difference in average peak METs or average peak VO₂ between evolution tasks (p > 0.05). The average peak METs for the individual tasks assessed ranged from 4.9 to 6.3 METs, and there was no significant difference between the individual tasks and average peak METs levels (p = 0.461) or between the individual tasks and average peak VO₂ (p = 0.525). There was no difference between the evolution scenarios METs to the NFPA minimum standard (p > 0.05). The METs achieved during the evolution tasks were consistent with the minimum standard of 12 METS recommended by the NFPA for injury reduction. The results of this study reinforce the necessity for adequate levels of aerobic fitness and the need to perform high intensity cardiovascular training when preparing firefighters to meet the metabolic demands of a fire scene.