Research Week 2023


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Feasibility of using biomarkers to examine associations between commercial cigarette smoking and glycemic levels during a smoking cessation attempt
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Nail, Kayli; Martinez, Sydney; Terry, Rachel; Ice, Stephanie; Keener, Samantha; Ritter, Tara; Nolan, Doug
    Introduction: American Indians have a higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and commercial cigarette smoking compared to other racial groups. The complex relationship between smoking, cessation, and glycemic control is not well understood. We examined the feasibility of using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and mobile health (mHealth) to understand the acute effects of smoking and cessation on glycemic levels.
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    Association and disparities of food insecurity and child abuse: Analysis of the National Survey of Children’s Health
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Bloom, Molly; McCoy, Cassie; Baxter, Michael A.; Coffey, Sara; Hendrix-Dicken, Amy D.; Hartwell, Micah
    Background: Child abuse is a major public health issue and is a significant risk factor for compromised development, health morbidities, and the development of mental and behavioral disorders in children. Many factors contribute to child abuse, especially family stressors. Food insecurity, a significant family stressor, likely increases the rate of child abuse while also contributing directly and indirectly to the consequences on child development and lifespan. Given the adverse effects of child abuse and food insecurity, investigating their relationship is crucial to developing mitigation strategies.
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    What’s in a p-value? A fragility analysis of AUA guidelines on BPH
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Anderson, Reece; Peña, Andriana; Johnson, Bradley; Nowlin, Ross; Hudson, Tillman; Vassar, Matt
    Introduction/Objectives: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) underpin clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) utilized by physicians to direct management of care. Evidence shows that physicians often interpret significant p-values to be “real-world probability” which is not accurate, as p-values can be skewed by confounding variables such as sample size and loss to follow-up. Therefore, there is a need to assess the robustness of endpoints within RCTs that underpin CPGs, specifically for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This study uses the Fragility Index (FI) and Fragility Quotient (FQ) to assess the strength of statistically significant findings for RCTs cited in the American Urological Association (AUA) guidelines for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
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    ST elevation myocardial infarction in the presence of pneumoperitoneum
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Gaikwad, Jonathan; Jaiswal, Dev
    Myocardial infarction (MI) more commonly known as a “heart attack” is a relatively common occurrence with a wide array of potential etiologies. Many if not most MIs result in typical symptoms of angina (chest pain) or anginal equivalents which often is the primary driver to the diagnosis. In patients who are unable to communicate symptoms, such as those who are intubated and sedated, this can be challenging. In this case we discuss a patient who was intubated and sedated who develops a myocardial infarction in the setting of a pneumoperitoneum.
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    Inequities in medically assisted reproduction: A scoping review
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Huddleston, Abbi; Ray, Kaylin; Bacani, Rigel; Staggs, Jordan; Anderson, Reece M.; Vassar, Matt
    Introduction: Infertility affects one in five women in the United States and may do so regardless of race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, geographic location, income, or educational status. These factors, however, may play a large role in access to infertility treatments, or medically assisted reproduction (MAR). This scoping review aimed to identify gaps in research pertaining to inequities in MAR, and propose suggestions for future research directions.
  • Publication
    Demographics of individuals refusing cancer treatment and reported pain compared to those in treatment: An analysis of the 2017-2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Park, Hunter; Nguyen, Linda; Batioja, Kelsi; Bray, Natasha; Greiner, Benjamin; Hartwell, Micah
    Background: More than 1.6 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year.1 Despite the different treatment options available for cancer, many individuals refuse treatment for various reasons. However, there is little known about the cumulative group of individuals who refuse treatment. Thus, our objective was to assess characteristics and associations among this group of individuals compared to those who receive cancer treatment.
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    Osteopathic manipulative treatment for chemotherapy-induced abdominal pain and anorexia in glioblastoma multiforme
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) McIntire, Ryan; Terry, Rachel; Gebhardt, Garren
    Background: Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is a rapidly growing tumor of astrocyte cells in the Central Nervous System (CNS) with a five-year median survival rate of 5.6% in adults (ages 40+). On average, 12,000 glioblastoma cases are diagnosed each year in the United States.
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    Case of bilateral coronary-cameral fistulae incidentally identified on left heart catheterization
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Haney, Taryn; Jaiswal, Dev; Valladares, Cristina; Koshy, Gershon
    Coronary-cameral fistula are a rare phenomenon. Fistula have an incidence of 0.08-0.3%.[1,2] Of those, approximately 5% possess multiple concurrently.[1] Though many are asymptomatic anginal symptoms may occur. Symptomatic cases underscore need of clinical awareness as work up may support a non-cardiac etiology leading to misdiagnosis. In this case presentation, we discuss a patient with bilateral coronary-cameral fistulae incidentally found during evaluation for new onset heart failure.
  • Publication
    Impacts of physiological and socioeconomic parameters on the likelihood of heart disease using a statistical model
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Eddy, Alexander; Hartwell, Micah
    Background: Heart disease has many predisposing factors. Genetics, lifestyle, socio-economic status have all been shown to play a role. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) combines data from interviews and physical examinations from approximately 5000 people each year in the United States. It is an excellent source for acquiring nationally representative data on known cardiovascular risk factors. By its nature, survey data, such as from NHANES, frequently has missing entries. Multiple imputation provides a statistically robust way to handle missingness. Rather than discarding partially complete entries in a listwise manner, multiple imputation uses a Bayesian model to produce multiple datasets that include uncertainty on the missing data. The datasets are then recombined to provide a complete dataset with more accurate standard errors than would be obtained by other imputation methods.
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    Health inequities in dialysis care: A scoping review
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Purcell, Lindsey; Schnitker, Joseph; Moore, Ty; Peña, Andriana; Love, Mitchell; Ford, Alicia Ito; Vassar, Matt
    Background: Dialysis is a life-sustaining treatment that thousands of Americans with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) rely upon. Understanding the health inequities that exist within dialysis treatment is integral to the improvement of care — especially for those in historically marginalized groups. Our scoping review’s objective was to identify potential gaps in the current literature on inequities in dialysis as well as explore future research that could contribute to more equitable care.
  • Publication
    HPV and meningococcal vaccine uptake among teens: A cross-sectional examination from the National Immunization Survey - Teen 2020
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Alexander, Caleb; Brock, Lydia; Greiner, Benjamin; Hartwell, Micah
    Background: Vaccination against both Human papillomavirus (HPV) and meningococcal disease is recommended for all adolescents aged 11-12 years; however, many teens have not received these vaccinations.
  • Publication
    Teeth, and hair, and sebum, oh my! A case of bilateral large ovarian teratomas
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Eddy, Alexander; Brown, Shelby; Dorsett, Tschantre
    Background: An ovarian teratoma can be classified as either mature (benign) or immature (malignant). Mature teratomas contain hair follicles, adipose tissue, glial tissue, and perinerval nervous tissue. They can reach massive sizes. Immature teratomas are fortunately rarer and generally don’t contain mature tissue. Abdominal pain is the most common presentation of teratomas in general. Approximately 10-15% of ovarian teratomas present bilaterally.
  • Publication
    Doxycycline vs. penicillin G benzathine for the treatment of syphilis in patients with HIV
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Eichelberger, Cole; Nichols, Isaac; Bozell, Bryan
    Background: Syphilis is a highly prevalent sexually transmitted infection which can lead to serious health complications if not treated effectively. Historically, penicillin G benzathine has been the primary agent used to treat syphilis infections, with doxycycline being an alternative agent for patients who cannot tolerate penicillin antibiotics. The efficacy of doxycycline in treating syphilis in patients with HIV, however, has not been well documented despite its use as an alternative treatment. The objective of this study is to compare the ability of these two agents to treat syphilis, specifically in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
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    Rare case report of an adult with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis secondary to severe IgA vasculitis
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Haney, Taryn; Harris, Kelley; Livingston, Reagan; Nadimpalli, Suma
    Background: IgA nephropathy is a common form of glomerulonephritis (GN) with an estimated incidence of two per 100,000 adults. A small portion of these cases will advance to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN). Risk factors include older age, purpura, elevated antistreptolysin O titer, and low complement C3 levels.
  • Publication
    Ulcerative colitis: The MeCP2/H3K4me3 interaction in the hypermethylated promoter modulates NGF gene expression
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Pande, Radhika D.; Das, Subhas
    Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is associated with symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, reduced appetite, and weight loss. According to CDC, approx. 1 million Americans are reportedly diagnosed with UC every year. It has been well established that nerve growth factor (NGF) is significantly elevated in several inflammatory and autoimmune conditions, including UC, and is essential for a robust inflammatory response. However, the epigenetic mechanisms involved in the regulation of NGF during UC are yet to be fully characterized. Epigenetic processes such as DNA methylation and histone modification are essential modulators for maintaining cell homeostasis and play an important role in the epigenetic regulation of key biomarkers in developing several inflammatory conditions. The epigenetic factors like Methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MeCP2) and tri-methylation of lysine 4 on histone H3 (H3K4me3) have been shown to crosstalk in the regulation of the gene expression.
  • Publication
    Disparities in diabetic foot examinations: A cross-sectional analysis of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Robling, Kristyn; McPherson, Kristen; Nolan, Douglas; Hartwell, Micah
    Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a growing problem in the US and causes serious health complications such as cardiovascular disease, end-stage renal disease, peripheral neuropathy, foot ulcers, and amputations. There are guidelines in place for prevention of foot ulcers in individuals with diabetes; however, adherence to these guidelines appears to be poor due to financial barriers, time and resource constraints among physicians, and lack of education among patients. Poor mental health and poor physical health often arise from DM and also contribute to development of other complications. Thus, our objective was to identify how frequent poor mental health days, a depressive disorder diagnosis, frequent poor physical health days, or physical inactivity affect annual foot examinations in individuals with diabetes.
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    Use of behavioural change taxonomies in systematic reviews and meta-analyses regarding obesity management
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Okonya, Ochije; Siddiqui, Bilal; George, David; Fugate, Colony; Hartwell, Micah; Vassar, Matt
    Aims: We investigated the prevalence of behavioral change taxonomies in systematic reviews and meta-analyses related to obesity management. In addition, we analyzed the funding sources, author conflicts of interest statements, risk of bias, and favorability of the results in such studies to determine if there was a relationship between methodological quality and taxonomy use.
  • Publication
    Associations between social determinants of health and frequency of poor mental health days: A cross-sectional analysis of 2017 BRFSS
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Elenwo, Covenant; Batioja, Kelsi; Bray, Natasha; Hartwell, Micah
    Introduction: In 2020, over 50 million adults in the US had a diagnosed mental illness. While the overall burden of illness among mental health disorders is great, studies continue to show increased mental health needs among US adults. Frequency of poor mental health days (FPMHD) has shown to be related to individual factors such as SES, race, and rural versus urban environments. Additionally, social determinants of health (SDOH) have been found to directly influence factors related to premature death. Assessing the disparities in mental health outcomes regionally and among sociodemographic variables may highlight predictors of mental health outcomes. Therefore, our objective was to examine the relationship between frequent (14+) poor mental health days and SDOH, and which states had the highest rates of FPMHD.
  • Publication
    Effectiveness of global postural re-education in reducing chronic non-specific low back pain and improving daily function in adults
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Yost, Martha J.; Holman, Rylee L.; O’Brien, Matthew S.
    Clinical Scenario: Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common complaints in adults. Research indicates that the implementation of global postural re-education may decrease pain in those with chronic low back pain and improve daily function.
  • Publication
    Assessment of empiric outpatient therapy and readmission rates from the emergency department for community acquired pneumonia
    (Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, 2023-02-17) Thomason, Jenna; Young, Kurtis; Jones, Caleb; Kee, Abigail; Fisher, Ana; Murray, Kelly
    Background: Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a common reason for emergency department visits and is associated with high mortality and readmission rates. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) aims to decrease readmission rates for pneumonia through their Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) that was initiated in 2012. One study investigated avoidable causes of CAP readmission and discovered that the highest percentage of avoidable causes of readmission was related to discharging patients with either missing or incorrect diagnosis or therapy (31.7%). Emergency department (ED) physicians are in a unique position to impact these factors, as they are often responsible for initial diagnosis and empiric therapy initiation. The purpose of this study is to identify adherence to guideline-recommended empiric therapy and utilize the data to develop targeted interventions to refine our current practices.