OSU - Research Data


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Data from: Constructivist learning environments: Validating the community of inquiry survey for face-to-face contexts
    (2023-03-23) Ariati, Jati; Pham, Thomas M.; Vogler, Jane S.
    Serving as a prominent framework for online learning, the Community of Inquiry (CoI), identifies three factors critical to learning in online environments: teaching presence, cognitive presence, and social presence. However, application of the CoI framework to face-to-face classes has not been broadly or systematically explored, despite constructivist paradigms (e.g., flipped classrooms, team-based learning) being increasingly incorporated at the post-secondary level. Further, there remains some debate on whether such constructivist environments adequately support learning, with studies on their effectiveness revealing mixed results, as have studies comparing face-to-face and online learning contexts. A tool that measures students’ perceptions of constructivist learning environments could help address such inconsistencies. The purpose of this study was to validate the CoI scale, a measure developed for online contexts, for use in face-to-face contexts. Undergraduates (n = 282) enrolled in face-to-face classes incorporating team-based learning completed the 34-item CoI scale (Arbaugh et al., 2008) with minor modification. Confirmatory Factor Analysis validated the original three-factor structure for face-to-face classes has acceptable fit, suggesting this tool measures teaching, cognitive, and social presences in face-to-face courses. Further suggestions for how this measure might be used for the purposes of research and instructional feedback are included.
  • Publication
    Data from: Effects of environmental factors on sucker catch rate, size structure, species composition, and precision from boat electrofishing
    (2023-01-17) Zentner, Douglas L.; Shoup, Daniel E.
    Catostomidae (catostomids) are suckers of the order Cyprinifores and the majority of species are native to North America; however, species in this group are understudied and rarely managed. The popularity in bowfishing and gigging for suckers in the United States has increased concerns related to overfishing. Little information exists about the relative gear effectiveness for sampling catostomids. Our study objective was to evaluate the relative effectiveness of boat electrofishing for sampling Black Redhorse Moxostoma duquesnei, Golden Redhorse M. erythrurum, Northern Hogsucker Hypentelium nigricans, White Sucker, and Spotted Sucker populations in Lake Eucha, OK. We used an information theoretic approach to determine the abiotic variables related to sucker catch per effort (C/f). Our analysis indicated that sucker C/f was highest during night and decreased with increasing water temperature. Sucker size structure was significantly different between daytime and nighttime samples; however, effect size estimates for size structure comparisons indicated size distributions exhibited moderate overlap. Distributional comparisons indicated daytime and nighttime samples were similar for fish >180 mm total length (TL). Effect size estimates also suggested little association between the proportion of each species captured and time of day or water temperature. Night electrofishing at water temperatures from 16-25 ⁰C yielded the most precise C/f estimates. If managers are interested in precision, then we recommend night electrofishing suckers in reservoirs at water temperatures from 16-25 ⁰C; though, if total number of suckers is more important than precision, samples taken at night from 6-15 ⁰C are recommended. Further study of the relationship between abiotic variables and catostomid catchability using various gears would be beneficial to agencies interested in these populations.
  • Publication
    Data from: New insights on continental rifting in eastern North America: Subsurface extent and significance of Jurassic red beds in the southeastern U.S.
    (Oklahoma State University, 2022) Cao, Ruoshi; Knapp, James; Knapp, Camelia
    Integration of 2-D seismic reflection profiles (2013) with previous seismic and well data from the Coastal Plain area of Georgia and South Carolina provide evidence for a newly-discovered stratigraphic section associated with the post-rift phase of the South Georgia Rift (SGR). Named after the town near the seismic acquisition site, the section is referred to as red beds of Hazlehurst (RbH) in this paper. The stratigraphic section can be mainly identified structurally and stratigraphically in reflection seismic profiles. It sits unconformably above the syn-rift Triassic basin strata or basement rocks and sits below the regional basal unconformity ("J") of the Coastal Plain sequence. Due to the similar lithologies with the exposed Triassic basin red beds and sparse well penetrations, RbH has yet to be clearly documented. As a result, the areal extent of the underlying Triassic rift basins in the southeastern U.S. was overestimated. This contribution implies that the RbH 1) pinches out stratigraphically up dip of the Fall Line and thins down dip of the coastline, 2) could have a regional areal extent over 300,000 km2 along the north American margin before erosion, 3) is largely composed of undeformed sub-horizontal sedimentary red beds, and 4) provides age constraints for the rift-to-drift transition and a two-phased magmatism tectonic evolution model.
  • Publication
    Data from: Performance of a mixed-use ground source heat pump system in Stockholm
    (2022-03-30) Spitler, J. D.; Gehlin, S. E. A.
    The 6300 m2 two-story Studenthuset building at Stockholm University in Stockholm, completed in 2013, was thoroughly instrumented. Space heating and hot water are provided by a ground source heat pump (GSHP) system consisting of five 40 kW off-the-shelf water-to-water heat pumps connected to 20 boreholes of 200 m depth in hard rock. Space cooling is provided by direct cooling from the boreholes. This system has now been monitored for five years. This paper presents the results in the form of a range of performance indicators that describe the short-term and long-term system performance. Performance factors are computed for several boundaries defined by the IEA HPT Annex 52 boundary schema. Seasonal, monthly, daily, and binned performance factors for both heating and cooling operation are presented and discussed. Contrary to expectations based on thermodynamic theory, the performance is better correlated to the quantity of heating or cooling provided than it is to the exiting fluid temperatures from the ground heat exchanger. Despite being in Stockholm, the building rejects about 30% more than it extracts, leading to a minimal temperature increase over the five measured years. The analysis indicates that if operated as is, the GHE will not exceed its temperature constraints for many decades. The five-year seasonal performance factor (SPF) for combined heating and cooling is 5.2±0.2 considering only the heat pump and source-side circulating pump. However, the load-side distribution system and Legionella protection systems result in a significant decrease in the 5-year combined heating and cooling SPF at the outer boundary to 1.8±0.3.
  • Publication
    Data from: Increased landscape disturbance and streamflow variability threaten fish biodiversity in the Red River catchment, USA
    (Oklahoma State University, 2022)
    Stream fish distributions are hypothesized to be strongly associated with landscape characteristics at multiple scales. Variation in flow regimes and intensity of landscape disturbance is associated with stream fish distributions; however, relationships are poorly understood in many high-diversity regions. Our objective was to identify occurrence relationships between fish distributions and streamflow and landscape characteristics in the south-central United States. Our study area was the central Red River catchment in Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas, USA. We used existing fish surveys to model the occurrence of a diverse, warmwater assemblage among hydraulic response units (HRUs). We used multispecies occupancy modeling to identify variation in occurrence probability among 111 stream fishes in relation to landscape disturbance and flow regime characteristics. We found significant occurrence relationships with landscape disturbance and 11 metrics comprising all flow regime components. The relationships varied within both major species groups and some genera. Frequency and duration were the most common flow regime relationships. More common stream fishes tended to be positively associated with higher levels of landscape disturbance and flow regime metrics representing variability. Conversely, less-tolerant, narrow-ranged fishes tended to be negatively associated. Occurrence relationships with flow metrics representing high-flow events were predominately negative. As expected, many species were strongly associated with and ecoregion with landscape disturbance and flow relationships held constant. Our study informs land-use and water management decisions and stream fish conservation at multiple spatial scales. Collectively, the findings suggest potential homogenization of the Red River fish assemblage with increased landscape disturbance and streamflow variability. A reduction in landscape disturbance and maintenance of natural flow patterns at coarser scales may benefit endemic and narrow-ranged fishes. Our findings also guide finer-scale land-use and water management decisions by identifying stream network areas with a high occurrence probability of less-tolerant fishes.
  • Publication
    Data from: Lithology and disturbance drive cavefish and cave crayfish occurrence in the Ozark Highlands ecoregion
    (Oklahoma State University, 2022) Mouser, Joshua
    Diverse communities of groundwater-dwelling organisms (i.e., stygobionts) are important for human wellbeing. However, we lack an understanding of the factors driving their distributions, making it difficult to protect these at-risk species. Obtaining distribution data for stygobionts is diffiult because subterranean environments are some of the most difficult to sample. New sampling methods, such as environmental DNA (eDNA), show promise to improve stygobiont detection, but sources of sampling bias are poorly understood. Our study objectives were to quatify detection probability using traditional visual surveys and eDNA surveys for both cavefishes and cave crayfishes and determine the landscape factors related to the occurrence of cavefishes and cave crayfishes in the Ozark Highlands ecoregion, USA. We sampled cavefishes and cave crayfishes at 61 sampling units using both visual and environmental DNA surveys. We then modeled occurrence probability in relation to lithology and human disturbance while accounting for imperfect detection. The effectiveness of eDNA or visual surveys varied by environmental conditions (i.e., water volume, prevailing substrate, and water velocity) and the target taxa. Our results also indicated that occurrence probability of cave crayfishes was negatively associated with human disturbance, whereas there was a weak positive relationship between cavefish occurrence and disturbance. Both cavefishes and cave crayfishes were more likely to occur in limestone rather than dolostone lithology. Individual cave crayfish species were restricted to dolostone or limestone lithology; however, the Ozark cavefish (Troglichthys rosae) was detected in both lithology types. Our results indicate structuring factors are related to the distribution of these taxa, but with human disturbance as a prevalent modifier of distributions for crayfish taxa. Limiting human alteration near karst features may be warranted to promote the persistence of some stygobionts. Moreover, our results suggest current sampling efforts are inadequate to detect cryptic species; therefore, expanding sampling may be needed to develop effective conservation actions.
  • Publication
    Data from: Canola supports wild bee-plant mutualisms across multiple spatial scales
    (Oklahoma State University, 2022) Elzay, Sarah DePaolo; Baum, Kristen
    Agricultural land use affects wild bee-plant mutualisms, increasing the incidence of pollen limitation among wild flowering plants. Over time, pollen limitation may negatively impact wild flowering plant populations. Mass flowering crops (MFCs) such as canola (Brassica napus L.) increase foraging resource availability to wild bees in historically forage-poor agroecosystems. Increased foraging resources by way of MFCs may enhance or dilute pollination of wild flowering plants growing nearby. We tested the effects of canola cover on wild bee-plant mutualisms by evaluating seed count and weight of three wild flowering plants, Gaillardia pulchella (Foug.; Indian blanket), Verbesina encelioides (Cav.; cowpen daisy), and Salvia azurea (Michx ex Lam.; azure blue sage), across a gradient of canola cover. We also tested pollen limitation of each of the selected wild flowering plants. Each species increased seed set as canola cover increased at one or more spatial scales, suggesting canola may enhance pollination services to wild flowering plants. However, each species also demonstrated pollen limitation. MFCs may play an important role in supporting wild bees and wild flowering plants in some agroecosystems by providing foraging resources for bees and by enhancing pollination services to wild flowering plants. Our results show that MFCs may facilitate wild bee pollination of some wild flowering plants. In the context of ongoing wild bee declines, understanding the effects of MFCs on wild bee-plant mutualisms is important in the conservation of wild bees and wild flowering plants.
  • Publication
    Data from: Ethnicities and conflict: A survey experiment on the effect of narrative framing on perceptions in Jos, Nigeria
    (Taylor and Francis, 2021-01-18) Vinson, Laura Thaut; Rudloff, Peter
    Where ethnic violence divides groups by both religious and tribal affiliation, how does the "ethnic" characterization of conflict affect perceptions of the crises? From a survey experiment in Jos, Nigeria, we find that priming respondents with religious versus tribal conflict frames leads respondents to differently interpret the causes of violence, with religious issues viewed as the most salient cause of violence and religion the most important solution. The findings emphasize that where more than one ethnic identity is salient to conflict, the causes of violence take on different meaning depending on how individuals interpret the ethnic dimension of local violence.
  • Publication
    Data from: Relationships between landscape constraints and a crayfish assemblage with consideration of competitor presence
    (John Wiley and Sons, 2019) Mouser, Joshua B.; Mollenhauer, Robert; Brewer, Shannon K.
    Crayfish were sampled from streams in the Ozark Highlands of Oklahoma from 2014 to 2015 using tow-barge electrofishing. Tow-barge electrofishing settings were pulsed direct current (DC), 60 Hz, and a 25% duty cycle. Voltage was adjusted to achieve a target power (W) that maintained a consistent electric field regardless of ambient water conductivity.
  • Publication
    Data from: Relationships between hydrology and the recruitment of fishes in connected river-reservoir landscapes
    (Public Library of Science, 2018-04-17) Dattilo, John; Shoup, Dan E.; Brewer, Shannon K.
    Freshwater Drum Ages and Gizzard Shad Ages Files - Freshwater Drum and Gizzard Shad were collected from each site using boat electrofishing. Sampling events took place during June 2016 through May 2017. The sex of each Freshwater Drum from Grand Lake, Elk River, and Kiamichi River was identified as female (F), male (M), immature (I), and, in rare cases, as a hermaphrodite (M/F). Sex was not identified for a subset of Freshwater Drum sampled from Sardis Reservoir (listed as NA: not applicable). The total length was measured in millimeters (mm), and each fish was given unique identification number (ID Tag). The age (years) of individuals was determined through a consensus aging process. Gizzard Shad that were not aged were not given a unique identification number (NA). These fish were released after total length was recorded.